Silver Wind (Spell) (Midnight)
| name=Silver Wind
| school=Lesser Conjuration (Creation)
| lvl= Cha 3
| comp= V, S
| casttime= 1 standard action
| range= Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
| tsea=a
| subj= Creatures and objects within a 20 ft. radius spread
| dur= 1 round/level
| save= Will partial
| sr= No
This spell calls into being a swirling cloud of magical silver particles that whips through the affected area throughout the duration. These particles cling to any creatures they encounter, including invisible creatures and incorporeal beings such as astiraxes. This reveals all invisible creatures and negates penalties for nonmagical darkness as the particles glow visibly. This silver dust cannot be removed and will continue to cling and glow until the spell’s duration expires.
All creatures in or entering the area of effect are also blinded unless they make their Will saves. If they fail, they are considered blinded for as long as they remain in the spell’s area of effect. Creatures that make their save need not roll every round they remain in the area of effect.
The wind and silver dust also make breathing difficult. Targets in the area of effect must hold their breath or suffer 1d6 hit points of damage per round for inhaling the dust. Any spell requiring a verbal component cannot be cast in the area of effect of the spell, and all other spells require a Concentration skill check (DC 20 + spell level) to cast.
Astiraxes and other creatures harmed by silver who are caught in the area of effect suffer 1d8 hit points of damage per round. Because the silver clings to the target, this damage occurs every round until the spell ends, regardless of where the creature moves. If the astirax is possessing an animal, the astirax takes damage from the spell but the animal does not.